Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pregnancy update: Week 18

Wow! It's been 10 weeks since I gave you all a real good update about our newest baby Bestor. A lot has happened already and we are getting really excited.

Things have been moving quickly - much quicker than they seemed with Jet. My belly has been growing so quickly and I only fit into one pair of pants and two pairs of shorts (with the rubber band trick - ladies, you know what I'm talking about!). I dread the day I have to retire those size 3's and invest in maternity clothes, which is probably soon!

Around 12 weeks I started to feel the little "flutters" of quickening. I was so excited to know what was coming in the next few weeks. 4 weeks later (16 weeks pregnant) I finally felt the first real kick. Sorry, I mean KICKS. I was sitting at the computer just as I am now and I felt a little poke in my lower right side. I thought about it for a minute, but brushed it off as gas or something. Then when it happened two more times in a row, each time harder than the first, I knew it was the baby. I just looked down at my belly and smiled to myself. "This is the BEST." I thought.

The baby has been very active ever since. Way more than Jet was at this stage. To my surprise it wasn't even a week later we could actually see and feel the baby kicking on the outside of my belly. There have been nights where Andy has fallen asleep with his hand on my belly feeling the baby kick the night away. Jet is having a blast! I don't have to ask him to come feel the baby. Sometimes I will be standing in the kitchen doing the dishes and he will lift up my shirt to expose my belly and say "Hello Bee!(baby)". One of the cutest moments yet was when Jet put his cheek on my belly to "give the baby a kiss" and the baby kicked his cheek. Jet was shocked! But he thought it was hilarious!

My latest Dr appointment was eventful. I had an appointment for the next week, but I had to get in THAT day because I passed out after I had showered and I opened my eyes to Jet standing over me crying "Maa!". My blood pressure was extremely low and I was very low in iron. While they were doing my blood work, I passed out again. They had to give me crackers and and apple juice while they kept an eye on my blood pressure. That took about a half hour and then they took more blood and did a second urinalysis. Let's just say I was pretty exhausted after that, but it wasn't over.

The Dr was listening to the baby's heartbeat with the doppler and got a funny look on his face. He asked me "Did you write anything on your medical history form about a family history of heart defects or problems?" I said "Well yes, of course. My husband's father past away at 37 from an undetected heart defect." The Dr immediately called into to schedule me an ultrasound with a specialist about an hour away to get a really good look at the heart. I was pretty upset about it, but he explained that something just didn't sit right with him. Something seemed a little abnormal, but most likely the baby is fine. He just wants to take precaution and get a series of ultrasounds done. I have yet to hear when my appointment is. Of course with military you have to go through paper work and referrals before you can get anything extensive done.

I know things will be ok. And if I have any doubts I just have to sit still for a moment to feel the baby roll around and give me a reassuring kick.

Here are my cravings lately. Pretty silly huh! Thank goodness it's payday. I'm going grocery shopping ;)

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