Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pregnancy update: Week 8

A lot of people have been saying to me "well that didn't take long!" when they find out we're expecting again. To be honest, we were just as surprised.

Like I said in my previous post, Andy arrived home the 16th of January. I found out I was pregnant February 25th. I was already 4 weeks along. If you do the math, that means Andy was only home 2 1/2 weeks before this eggo was prego! Crazy! What's even crazier is...I was on birth control!

The whole 2 weeks leading up to the 25th I just felt pregnant. I was so tired all the time and I swear I went up two bra sizes. I decided to test at home and all 3 tests came back negative. So I made an appointment to switch birth control pills and get them filled. Well, that didn't exactly go as planned. The doctor had me take a blood test to make sure I really wasn't pregnant and come to find out about an hour later she walks in and says with raised eyebrows "It's positive..". She didn't know if that was okay that she was saying that! (Hahaha!) She wasn't sure if I wanted to be pregnant. I wasn't sure either, but I guess I didn't have a choice now! Instead of coming home with more birth control pills, I came home with prenatal vitamins!

I had no idea how I was going to tell Andy! But I did know I didn't want to make it obvious. When I got home and walked into the house he of course asked "how'd it go?" and all I could think to do was to throw him the bottle of prenatal vitamins. He caught them as I said "The doctor told me to take these.". He sighted the word "prenatal" and knew exactly what was going on. He was less than thrilled to be perfectly honest, but it had a lot to do with shock. He eventually did start to get excited after he made me take 2 home pregnancy tests, which were of course positive and he downloaded a pregnancy app on his iPhone.

(sorry the picture is blurry)

I wasn't expecting to get an ultrasound earlier this week, but because of complications earlier on (everything is fine) they wanted to make sure baby was growing properly. He/she definitely was! The heartbeat was strong and it's little arms and legs were squirming away! It almost looked like it was dancing. I'm in love already!

This pregnancy so far has been totally different from my pregnancy with Jet. First of all, as you can tell, I am "showing" a lot sooner. In the picture above I am 8 weeks 6 days and I didn't look that pregnant until about 11-12 weeks last time.

Morning sickness kicked in earlier, harder, and longer than it did with Jet. I'm still suffering with it all day.

I hate food so much. I will/can only eat things I feel like eating at that very moment. If it takes to long to get it or I think about eating it the next day, nope - not happening. I gag with just the thought. With Jet I ate and ate and ate.

Those are just the few foods I could eat on a day to day basis. Maybe even all day. Infact, I think I'm going to have a salad now. Mmmm!

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