Tuesday, May 4, 2010

One Year.

A year ago, seems like 5 years ago! A lot has happened and a lot has changed, but we've grown so much! It's been awhile since I've done this blogging business, so maybe I should catch you up? Let's rewind just a little and I'll show you just how far we've come!

September 4th, 2006 Andy and I met on the first day of school. We were both in the same choir class. I automatically noticed him, as he was being his normal obnoxious self. We were friends through friends. We dated each others best friends before we eventually started dating each other. I've never had so much fun!

July 11th, 2008 we found out I was pregnant. We decided right then and there, two things: we are idiots, and we are going to take full responsibility for our actions. We decided to keep the baby, get married and start a happy family - sound impossible? Just wait!

Andy and I got full time jobs. I worked all 9 months I was pregnant. While I was saving money for diapers and formula, Andy saved for something a little different....

...an engagement ring! (Best Christmas ever!)

March 28th, 2009. Our Sweet Baby boy finally arrived. Jet Andrew Bestor. 7 Pounds 11 ounces. Long red hair and crystal blue eyes.

July 11th, 2009 we were married. It was a beautiful garden wedding! The happiest day of my life. I married my sweetheart, my bestfriend, my other half.

A few months before Jet was born Andy enlisted in the Army as an active duty soldier, so sadly not even a full month after we were married he left for basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Written letters were our only form of communication for 3 months. It was hard for both of us! Jet and I were able to go to his basic training graduation and be with him for a couple of hours before he got shipped to AIT. I was so proud to see my husband as a soldier for the first time!

Andy was at AIT for another 3 months. While he was there we found out he would be deployed shortly after Christmas. Though we already knew that was a high possibility when he joined the Army, it was still heartbreaking for us. Andy came home for Christmas and New Years and we enjoyed the little time we did have together. January 2nd, 2010 was the last time I saw my husband and the last time Jet saw his daddy. I can't wait for the day when we'll actually be able to live together and be a family again. That won't be for another year.

One year. Hmm seems more like 5 to me...


  1. I think that you should make this into a book,once your story unfolds...it is a very sweet story!I would buy it if it got published!

  2. I have a very similar story to yours,I saw my husband the first day of our Senior, we started dating a month later. We graduated together, and then were pregnant one month later. This was when he proposed to me, and enlisted in the army. 2 months after that we were married (I was 4 months pregnant). 2 weeks after we were married he left for basic training.

    Fast forward 8.5 years, we are still married, and he has been deployed, well, he is currently on his 4th deployment. He has been gone a lot, including, all of the training and such. I am actually writing a book of our story, and what it has been like being an Army wife, and things that have happened to me while he has been deployed. I also have a blog now of what it is like, in a new state, that we moved here in December, and he is on his 4th deployment. http://thedworddeployment.blogspot.com/

    Good luck to you, your husband, and your son. And thank him for his service!

